Friday, February 19, 2010

Mr Potato Heads and Bionicles

I got play dough Potato Heads from Santa and they're really cool. Yesterday I started playing with them for the first time. And here's the pictures of 3 Potato heads I made.

These are the first ones I ever made.

This is my own creation of a monster.                             

I think he's really cool and he's extra big.

This is a picture of an evil potato head that I made today. He's got a sword in his left hand and he's also extra big.

I really enjoyed making potato heads they were really fun and easy.

Yesterday I got 3 new Bionicles and they all come with a special part and it's a special golden armour part in each box. There's only 6 of them and I'm halfway there to collecting all of them. Yippee!! Go me!

I also like to draw and today my mum put some of my drawings on the side of my Blog as you can see. I hope you like them.

Goodbye for now.



  1. Wow WiiBoy! They are cool! We love mr potato head in our house too, but haven't got the playdough one. Well done on your art too - keep up the good work!!!

  2. That is the coolest thing I have seen all day! xx

  3. I LOVE them Wiiboy, and your drawings too, well done:) Jen.

  4. They are absolutely fab, I love Mr Evil Potato Head the best, your art is brilliant too, you are a very talented young man. Keep up the good work. xx

  5. Love the Monster Potato Head the best. Really brilliant :) xx

  6. Thank you all very much for your comments. Wiiboy

  7. hi wiiboy, i really love your mr potatoe heads, i asked my mam to get them now, hope she does, they look so cool and your bionicles are brilliant
    i loved your blog

  8. oh that me kyra posting from my mums account

  9. great blog wiiboy, i love your potator heads, now kyra wants them too, we have just been looking at your art pics on your blog, wow you are a very talented artist, we love your pictures

    mandie and kyra
